Founded in 2010, Brooklyn Grange is the leading rooftop farming and intensive green roofing business in the US. Brooklyn Grange operates the world’s largest rooftop soil farms, located on three roofs in New York City. These rooftop farms total 5.6 acres with 135,000 square feet of cultivated area producing over 100,000 lbs of organically-grown produce per year

“I’m often head down, harvesting, but when you look up you can really just see the scape of all the people that are right here and need food.”
"When Covid hit we really saw our role as essential farmers to ensure that we were providing access (to food) when folks needed it the most.”

“There’s a lot of activity at Brooklyn Grange. We grow food on 3 different rooftops on over 4 acres of space. We also hold events and build and install and maintain green spaces."

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